Chuck Palahniuk

Mmm, vill bara tillägna ett inlägg till min favoritförfattare i hela världen. Det är ingen hemlighet att jag tycker Fight Club är världens bästa bok, och nu håller jag på att läsa Invisible Monsters som han också skrivit. SÅ. JÄLVA. BRA. Avlider. Favoritcitat hittills (förutom bilden då):
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"Another thing is, no matter how much you think you love someone, you'll step back when the pool of their blood edges up too close."

"'Don't let me die here on this floor' Brandy says, and her big hands clutch at me. 'My hair,' she says, 'My hair will be flat in the back.'"

"She's supposed to be famous first. You know, she's supposed to be on television during Super Bowl halftime, drinking a diet cola naked in slow motion before she died."

"When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?"

"The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person."


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